Online Resources – Glossary Terms

General Terms

  • Internet: A global network of computers connected.
  • Website: A collection of web pages that can be accessed through the internet.
  • Web Page: A single unit of information on a website.
  • URL (Uniform Resource Locator): The address of a website.
  • Search Engine: A program that indexes websites and returns relevant results based on search queries.
  • Browser: Software used to access and view web pages.

Types of Online Resources

  • Search Engine: A tool used to find information on the internet.
  • Social Media: Online platforms for building and maintaining relationships.
  • Online Encyclopedia: A comprehensive reference work available online.
  • Online Library: A digital library that provides access to books, articles, and other resources.
  • Online Course: A course that is taught entirely online.
  • Online Forum: A website where people can discuss topics of interest.
  • Online Marketplace: A website where people can buy and sell goods and services.
  • Blog: A website with regularly updated content.

Online Tools and Services

  • Cloud Storage: Storing data on remote servers accessed over the internet.
  • Email: A system for sending and receiving electronic messages.
  • Word Processor: Software used to create and edit text documents.
  • Spreadsheet: Software used to create and manipulate tables of data.
  • Presentation Software: Software used to create and deliver presentations.
  • Video Conferencing: A technology that allows people to communicate and collaborate remotely.
  • Online Calendar: A digital calendar that can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Online Translator: A tool that translates text from one language to another.

Online Safety and Security

  • Phishing: A type of scam that attempts to obtain personal information by pretending to be from a trusted source.
  • Malware: Malicious software designed to harm computers or networks.
  • Virus: A type of malware that replicates itself and spreads to other computers.
  • Firewall: A security system that monitors and controls network traffic.
  • Online Privacy: Protecting personal information from unauthorized access.
  • Digital Footprint: The information that is left behind online.
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